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Ex Students' Reviews

This space is to share the thoughts about Milan Fashion Campus by the ex-students.

Click on the picture so have more info about each student


.Fashion Blogger.
Working at Harper's Bazaar.
Fashion Stylist
Fashion Stylist
Own P/A Collection
Own P/A Collection
Fashion Stylist

Accessories Collection

Own Lingerie Collection
Own Shoes Collection
Pia - Accessories Design Course 3 months

1. Where are you from?
México City.

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I was thinking to study in Milano an accesories course and the only one I found was the Milan Fashion Campus.

3. Which course did you do at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
The accesories course and it was almost 3 months.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because I want to be an accessory designer completing my studies in design.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course is really complete, you really learn in a serious way, I feel like I can desing to make my stuff real.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I learned especially about details in accesoires, hand-drawing and with computer (Photshop and Illustrator) I was really bad at drawing and with all the things I don't feel scared to draw, and I can send it to constructors and they would understand exactly what I want.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milano is awesome I found the people very kind, I enjoyed the apperitivi and night life, I loved the turistic places.

I want to add that the poeple in Milan Fashion Campus make you feel like you are at home, they are like your family and they will really help you learn and make you create all real things that you wish, don't hesitate to study at The Milan Fashion Campus.. and I don't want to be and ex student..I WANT TO GO BACK!

Elizabeth - Women's wear design - 5 weeks - and Shoes and Accesories Design Course - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Because i wanted to study Fashion Design in an environment that had a lot of Inspiration and Ambiance for Fashion/Artistry.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took the Womens wear design and also the accessories design course, for 5 weeks.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
i took this courses because i wanted more knowledge on womens wear as a whole.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
i definitely learned a lot. it was an amazing experience on the whole.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion)?
i learnt that Fashion is a whole lot more than meets the eye. learnt how to use Photoshop for a lot of things.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Its an inspiring city and the perfect place for any young and aspiring designer, it has a lot of things to draw inspiration from.

8. During your stay did you have the opportunity of going to some fashion shows or fashion parties, if you did, which ones and how was it?
i did attend some shows. the ETRO show, Vogue young talent show, NUDE fashion show, Franca Paolini show.
9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
From the internet.

Djiana - 3 month - Women Fashion Design - Fashion Styling

1. Where are you from?
Ich heiße Dajana und bin aus München.

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Ich habe mich entschlossen nach Mailand zu gehen.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
3 Monate habe ich in Mailand verbracht und den Kurs Women Design / Fashion Styling belegt.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
3 Monate am MFC zu studieren, weil ich sehen wollte wie man in Italien Mode entwirft.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
In den 3 Monaten habe ich gelernt das die italienische Mode die Dinge genau anders rum angeht als die Britische. Erst wird designt und dann wird es umgesetzt. In London war ich auf der Saint Martins und dort war es genau umgedreht!
6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
Für mich persönlich muss ich sagen, dass mich Mailand begeistert hat und ich sehr viel gelernt habe besonders was das Design am Computer angeht. ( Photoshop usw.) Ich habe ein sehr schönes Portfolio zusammen stellen können nach der Zeit in Mailand an der MFC.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Außerdem liegt Mailand einfach perfekt um die schönen Seiten Italiens zu sehen wie z.B. Portofino, Como, Florence und vieles mehr! Die Zeit am MFC war einfach nur sehr schön. Alle dort anwesenden haben sich ständig bemüht das es einem gut geht und standen mir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Ich habe viele tolle Menschen in dieser Zeit kennengelernt die mein Leben bereichert haben.

8. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?

Francesca - Corso Intimo & Costumi da Bagno

Where are you from?

1. Perché hai deciso di fare un corso di fashion design?

Volevo imparare sopratutto le basi per poter esprimere le mie idee
2. Perché hai scelto Milan Fashion Campus?

Perchè mi è sembrata una scuola molto seria, senza fronzoli e con un ambiente rilassato

3. Quale era il tuo livello iniziale?
forse neanche livello base

4. In cosa sei migliorato?

in tutto: disegno, programmi pc, sviluppo delle idee ecc
5. Che cosa hai imparato?

ho imparato ad esprimere le mie idee, a fare delle ricerche online, le basi del disegno del figurino, le principali funzioni di photoshop e illustrator

6. Pensi che il corso che hai fatto possa esserti utile? In cosa?

si assolutamente dato che il mio obbiettivo è quello di esprimere le mie idee in maniera indipendente a casa, sperando un giorno di poter realizzare una mia linea

7. Qual è il tuo giudizio su Milan Fashion Campus?


8. Cosiglieresti Milan Fashion Campus ad un tuo amico/a?

assolutamente si

9. Come hai saputo di Milan Fashion Campus?

10. In cosa potrebbe migliorare il corso di Costumi da bagno?

avendo fatto il corso di un mese non credo ci sarebbe stato mai tempo per fare nient'altro (e abbiamo fatto un sacco di cose) . Ad avere piu tempo credo sarebbe bello farsi un'idea anche del processo di produzione della linea , ovvero come scegliere un tessuto e in generale cosa accade dopo la realizzazione del proprio book

Mirjana - Fashion Styling - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?
Slovenia and Belgium

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
To get a degree in fashion styling

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Fashion Styling, 2 weeks

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
It sounded interesting; date and price were right too

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
On the internet. I think I learned a lot about photoshop and various types of styling.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
Photoshop and various types of styling

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
Unfortunately not.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is very nice. I went out for apero and dinners.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
On the internet.


Carlos - Fashion Trend Forecasting

1. Where are you from?

I am from Brazil, but I have lived in China since 2007.
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?

I was searching for fashion institutions that would offer online courses or short time summer courses so I could travel and attend to. After much reading I found Milan Fashion Campus, navigated the website, read the students testimonials and decided that it could be what i was looking for. After more search I realized that this was the best option.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?

I took the Trends Forecaster's course, and I used the two weeks full time mode.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?

It is something I had to learn how to do for better development of my career as footwear designer. I had to learn how to put together the things that I was seeing and identify trends when they're still being developed. It is common for footwear companies to realize that sometihng is happening when they already in the mainstream phase, and than it is too late...

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lotduring your short stay?
I learned a lot during my stay; the excercises were objective, and the instructor was always looking at how I was developing it. The program was very complete, from putting together the things that one sees to the point where you research an architect and develop products based on his/her work. Also, the course was very practical and chalenging to be completed in two weeks.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computerskills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion)?

I definitely understand the world of fashion better now than before, and also I am now able to organize my work in a way that it becomes more systematic; which makes it easier to do.
7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?

Since the program was kind of hard to be completed in only two weeks, I often got back to my place and kept on working the excercises I had begun in class. I had already visited Milan once in the past, so all the main attractions were no new for me. In the weekend, thoug, I took a train to Riva del Garda, a summer destination that has a beautiful lake and is definitely a very pleasant place to spend a weekend in the summer.

8. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?

I basicaly searched for options on the internet (I was doing that for three or four months), navigated their website and read the background of the professors and the students testimonials. MFC was the one I liked the most when considering the whole pack together. Also, it was one of the few institutions that had the type of course that I was looking for: Trends Forecasting

Madeleine - Bridal Dress Design - 1 month

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
To study a very specific area of fashion that required little pre existing experience or knowledge 

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?

Bridal Dress Design, one month 

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I wanted to see if I would enjoy designing bridal dresses and the skills it would require in the industry

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was so different to what I thought! I imagined a big class with little student teacher interaction. I loved the helpful nature each staff had and the way they paced the course was more upon the student and the focus on the quality of work produced. 

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
Oh wow. Where to begin!!! From learning the style of drawing as a designer- clean lines and not a realistic way! To transforming an image on photoshop to a professional presentation. Learning how to draw the fabric is also a huge importance in the design presentation.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?

No, but I did get the opportunity to attend a Trend forecasting presentation! Even though I did not understand all of it, it was a very useful insight to the fashion industry and was a fun trip! 

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan was incredible! The food, the culture, the people were all so unique! I went to Rome, lake Como on the weekends and did a lot of shopping and even more eating between working! I couldn't have chosen a better place to study! I loved it! 

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?

I searched 'wedding dress design course'! 

Monica - Fashion Styling Course - 1 month

Where are you from?
I am from Cape Town, South Africa.

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I wanted to learn more about fashion, the industry and how to incorporate that knowledge into fashion editing or fashion buying. Since Milan is one of the fashion capitals of the world, I could not think of a better city to learned it all.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I did the Women's Styling Course for one month.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
The course outline covered everything I wanted to learn especially for fashion editing and styling for photo shoots.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was excellent! I really enjoyed it! I learned a lot about fashion and the industry and I experienced a lot during my stay.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie: Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
My computer skills in terms of Photoshop and my knowledge of fashion and the designers improved immensely!

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I absolutely loved Milan! I mostly traveled during weekends (I went to Florence, Lake Como, Bolzano and Padua) and during the week I explored the streets and restaurants around Milan. I also had the opportunity to see Don Giovanni at Teatro alla Scala. Everything was amazing!

Veronika- Accessories Design- 2weeks

1. Where are you from?
Украина, Одесса.

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Я искала курсы по дизайну в Лондоне, в Париже или Милане, так как это мировые столицы моды. Выбрала Milan Fashion Campus, потому что было удобное расписание занятий и хорошие отзывы.
 3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Я занималась 2 недели на курсах дизайна аксессуаров.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Я хочу начать свое дело - производство сумок собственного дизайна.  
 5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
Даже за столь короткий срок, как 2 недели, я многое узнала. Атмосфера на курсах очень приятная, очень приятно было работать с Анжело и его помощниками, я отлично провела время и осталась довольна.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills?
Я узнала процесс создания эскизов дизайна обуви и сумок, научилась визуализировать свои идеи на компьютере.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
К сожалению, во время моего прибывания на курсах в Милане не было ни выставок, ни фэшн показов.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Милан мне очень понравился. Кроме красивого самого города, там очень много магазинов, просто рай для любителей шоппинга. Во время выходных я побывала в Венеции и Риме. Это был незабываемый уикенд!

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
Курсы я нашла в интернете.

Patrizia - Women's Wear Design Course- 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?
I'm from Switzerland (Zurich)
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I saw the homepage in the internet and it was the fashion school pagethat most impressed me from all I checked.
3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
It was the Women’s wear course, for two weeks
4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I think the course, I have chosen, has the most  possibilities to improve, in designing different variations for women’s clothes.
5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
learned very much during the course, it was very interesting and I received a lot of information who filled my gaps in
knowledge of fashion!
6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I learned a lot about Photoshop, I didn’t really knew how to use it at all before the course
and now I know how to design with the computer! As well my drawing skill got better in only a short time. I draw now
much cleaner and more exact !
7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I love Milan since ever and ever!!! I enjoyed the Italian ambiance and the clothes
and accessories paradise!!

Emily - Fashion Styling Course - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?
I’m from England, London
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I decided to go to Milan fashion campus because I love Milan, always have. I thought I would put my love for the city and my passion in styling together and learn fashion styling in the one of the most beautiful fashion capitals in the world.
Milan Fashion campus caught my eye straight away with the great price range, great feedback, what you learn and gain from the course and learn along side great fashion designers. Best decision I have made in my fashion styling career so far.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I studied the fashion styling course, and it was a 2-week course.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I decided to study fashion styling at Milan fashion campus because I am in love with the fashion industry and I wanted to learn fashion styling in the beautiful city of Milan. MFC was the perfect choice and would strongly advice it for anyone that wants to learn about fashion styling and the Italian fashion culture.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was amazing I learnt everything I needed to know about fashion styling to put me on the right path to my fashion styling career. The teachers were amazing they know what they are talking about and they are all so lovely and friendly, it was a great environment to learn in. I learnt so much in my stay at Milan fashion campus not only about fashion styling but also about the amazing city and the Italian culture. It was such a great experience and I am very grateful for what I leant in such a small space of time.

Within 6 months of doing the course I have had great jobs as an assistant fashion stylist for people like Katie Burnett and Kylie Griffiths. Working on photo shoots, music videos and even fashion shows.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I was taught how to style by the situation, how to dress different body shapes and everything else I needed to know to pursue my career in fashion styling.
Thanks to this course I also know my way around Adobe Photoshop very well and how to edit and adjust fashion garments to the way I want them. I have even got an internship for the Photoshop skills I learnt on this course designing adverts and editing garments for a Vintage magazine. The skills and knowledge of what I learnt on this course has made me go so far in such a short space of time.
7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I found the City of Milan truly amazing, the people, the food the whole vibe of the city was beautiful. I was in Milan for MFW and even got the chance to go see a D&G show on standing which was amazing as it was the first fashion show I have ever been to. I also went to a David Gandy special at the D&G shop and met him and got an autograph, which was great!! I met really great people in Milan who took me out to corso Como partying and I still keep in touch with them now. I was only there for 2 weeks but the things I did and learnt in such a short space of time I will remember for the rest of my life. Going to Milan and doing this course was the best thing I have ever done in my fashion career so far.

Nao - Lingerie Course- 4weeks

1. Where are you from?
exciting city, Tokyo!!

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Milano fashion campus looks fun and nice. In addition, you have a lingerie class and timing was best for me!

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Lingerie course. 4 weeks.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I wanna be a lingerie designer.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
on Web. Yes, I learned a lot ! I worked so hard^^

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
I learned how to create a design and how to show my ideas to other persons. Especially, My computer skill was so improved !! I discuss with Angelo and Florence over and over.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have
a good time?

Yes. VOGUE 101 photographer party at Corso como 10.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I made a friends and got together a lot ! eat nice food, drink good wines, shopping.. It was so nice!

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
Including Angelo, every stuff are so nice. I never designed before, but I could do my work on my pace.

Amal - Fashion Styling Course

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I loved how personal and hands-on the whole experience seemed.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?

Personal Fashion Styling, 2 weeks

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
To have a more comprehensive fashion understanding for my job as a stylist

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was everything it seemed to be, personal, hands-on, and very informative. The teachers were very dedicated and always available to help.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?

I learned more about Fashion editorials, Creating comprehensive looks for clients, building portfolios, Attention to detail, and Adobe Photoshop.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
I was invited to the Wine Tasting event at Tom Ford, and it was a fabulous experience.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Loved it! I call it my second home!
I went everywhere, shopping, parks, tourist attractions, exhibitions, restaurants,, etc. Its such a rich city that has a lot to offer.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?


Nazanine - Accessories Design Course

1. Where are you from?
Originally: Iran but living in the US.
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Since I was very young I really enjoyed fashion but I never pursued it in my studies or career. Now that I am taking a career break I felt it was time to test and see if I still enjoy it and if I could make a career out of it in the future.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
The accessories design course with a focus on Handbags.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I wanted to learn all the basics and the foundation of accessories/handbag design.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
Yes, I felt that I was given all the basic/foundation tools necessary to design a full collection of handbags. I learned everything that the course described and much more than I had originally expected. I learned to draw different shapes of bags by hand, using the computer programs. I also learned to select the materials and simulate the hangbags on photoshop to get the full feeling of how it might look. I learned how to present the collection/bag through uses of a mood board. I also did a lot of different inspirational exercises such as using architecture, fabrics, other handbag designs.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
Please see above. Hand drawing, computer drawing, photoshop, illustrator, shading, mood boards, motivation/inspiration tools, etc.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
Yes, I was very lucky to attend the schoold during fashion week. This enabled me to attend many fashion exhibitions, fairs as well as shows through the school. I attended the Krizia, Etro and other shows. I also helped backstage for two designers which was an unforgettable experience.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is an amazing city with so much history. Although I am not one to like touristic attractions I spent most of my weekends visiting museums, historical sites, cathedrals, churches, castles. The amount of history dating as far back as the 13th century is unbelievable. The art, antiques, frescoes are just a few things that make us realize by Italians are so artistics and pay so much attention to detail. It was breath taking. The food and shopping speaks for I don't need to say anything about that.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
I was searching for fashion courses in the US and I found Milan Fashion Campus in my google search. I thought coming to Milan would be an amazing experience.

10. What do you think is missing in the Accessories Course?
I thought the course was great. Maybe an outline/checklist in the beginning for the student to pace them better so we can make sure that everything is covered. Also, maybe a reference sheet with all the good websites, resources. I know my course was a little customized because I only wanted to do handbags. Also, maybe having a couple pages that the student can use as a reference that contains the key tools/explanations for how to use photoshop / illustrator for the different exercises.

11. Did you visit some fair?
Yes, there were many fashion fairs and exhibitions. White, Milano fair (I forgot the full name), MIPEL/MIPAP for bags, Corso Como Exhibition, etc...

Sarah - Women's Wear Design

1. De que país eres?
2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Por que de entre todas las opciones que encontre, milan fashion campus fue la mas completa.
3. Qué curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Women´s wear design Course. Duro aproximadamente un mes.
4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Para mejorar mis tecnicas de dibujo y conocer un poco mas el mundo de la moda. Italia es un lugar excepcional para hacer eso..
5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadía?
Quede muy conforme con lo que aprendi en tan poco tiempo.
6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de Informática, de dibujo y de la comprensión del mundo de la moda)?
Aprendi de todo, desde trabajar con un equipo, a mejorar mis tecnicas, a conocer nuevas por supuesto!
7. Que te pareció la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadía en Milan?
Milan me gusto muchisimo, me recordo a Buenos Aires en algun modo, es tan sencillo manejarse solo, sin nigun problema.
8. Cómo te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Encontre el curso mediante internet.

Brenda - Fashion Styling - 2 weeks

1. De que país eres?
2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Decidí ir a cursar allá ya que siempre quise viajar y conocer la moda más allá de mi ciudad. Milan al ser la capital de la moda me pareció algo fascinante y al encontrar a Milan Fashion Campus como una posibilidad para hacerlo, no dude un instante.
3. Qué curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Hice el curso de Styling que duró 15 días.
4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Porque siempre me gustó saber y aprender sobre Styling y me pareció una oportunidad única, además me atrajeron mucho los temas a ver.
5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadía?
Fue muy productivo, aprendí mucho e incorporé nuevos conceptos que nunca había experimentado. El hecho de estar todos los días realizando trabajos sacó lo mejor de mí, inclusive aspectos que ni yo creía ser capaz de hacer.
6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de Informática, de dibujo y de la comprensión del mundo de la moda)?
Aprendí mucho sobre teoría de Styling y cómo aplicarlo gráficamente utilizando photoshop de manera exclusiva. Nunca manejé el programa y fue muy productivo porque hoy, lo aplico en mi actual carrera: Producción de Moda.
7. Que te pareció la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadía en Milan?
Milan me encanto, quede enamorada de esa ciudad y mi mes en Italia recorrí, visite Roma, Genova, Venezia, Paris. Realmente la pase genial porque no solo aprendi nuevos conocimientos sino que también conocí nuevos lugares.
8. Cómo te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Me entere de Milan Fashion Campus porque dos amigas realizaron el curso y me lo recomendaron.
besitos que esten bien!

Brisa - Trend Forecasting

1. De que pais eres?

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Porque revisé cursos sobre moda en Milan y del MFC me gustó mucho el temario! Y que lo podía hacer en fechas que yo tenía disponible.

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus?
Trend Forecasting Cuanto duro el curso? 2 semanas.

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Por todos los temas que involucraba, eran de mi interés.

5. Como encontraste el curso?
Buscando por Internet. Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia? Si!!! Y quede muy contenta.

6. Que aprendiste?
Necesario photoshop y lo aprendí por muchos ejercicios llevados a cabo para realizar un portafolio de trabajo y todo lo que involucra una toma de decisión para una colección basada desde la colonización hasta los perfiles de la inspiración de los grades diseñadores. Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de
informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)? Sobre todo en técnica de photoshop

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan?

Maravillosa para el shopping! Hacer shopping, visitar los bares, restaurantes y conocer lo más importante de la ciudad en cuanto a historia y consumo de moda.

8.Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Por Internet!

9. Que crees que le hace falta al curso de Trend Forecasting?
Realmente muy completo, yo lo considero ok!

Sheila & Chaterine- Fashion Styling- 2 weeks


1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Because Milan is known as one of the Fashion capital city, and the owner of Milan Fashion Campus is very well experienced in the Fashion Industry.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
We took Fashion Styling for 2 weeks.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Since we are already into Fashion Industry and have my own clothing line, so we were thinking it will be best for us to gain more knowledge about styling.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was really fun and we gained alot of experiences and knowledge about fashion and it was not only about fashion styling but also in another subjects.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
We have learned about how to style someone based on location, situation and also our design and computer skills were improved. beside that becasue we had the chance to go to Milan Fabric exhibition and Milan Fashion week, our experiences and thoughts about Fashion world are different and more detail.. in a very positive way.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
As we mentioned earlier i attended Milan Fashion Week and also Milan Fabric Exhibition, those were really the best experiences for us.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan was an amazing city, the architecture, culture and the local residents were really nice. No wonder Milan has became so Famous.
and during our stay, we went to several cafes that owned by Famous designer, Such as Armani Cafe, Dolce and gabana Restaurant and Just Cavalli Lounge.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
We were browsing for a short course and then we found it on google.

Janet - Fashion Styling

1. Where are you from?
I come from Thailand
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Because I search in the internet and I saw MFC was very interesting. Moreover, Milan is a city of fashion. So, I'll decided to study in MFC.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Fashion Stylist course

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
because I study fashion design before then I will decided to study fashion stylist for make it complete and both of them can work together.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I like this course because I feel enjoy when I learned this course and I get more knowledge and experience that I never know before.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
I learned about styling. I'll know how to mix and match the outfit and accessories with the any occasion and the person for make it great in the result.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
I have an opportunity to help CHICCA LUALDI BEEQUEEN FASHION SHOW in the backstage. I help the model in this fashion show. I really like this opportunity and this is the first for me. Moreover, I went to another fashion show that I never saw many show like that time. That is a good time for me.
8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I find in city of milan in the internet and when I stay in Milan I went to the popular street in the milan for sightseeing , shopping, take a photo and so on.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
I saw MFC in the internet, Thai web about fashion education.

10. What do you think is missing in the Fashion Styling Course?
I think that I didn't missing something in the fashion stylist course because I think that I get more knowledge and experience that I never get before.

11. Did you visit some fair?
I went to the SALONE ITALIANO DEL TESSILE to saw the trend of color, fabric, many company, vintage. I like it because it make me up to date everything about fashion.

Virginia - Fashion Styling

1. De que pais eres ?
2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus? 

Me pareció muy interesante el horario de las clases, el precio del curso y me gustó lo que ví en la web

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?

Estilismo, 2 semanas (curso de verano)
4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso? 

Después de haber estudiado Diseño de complementos y un curso y master de Personal Shopper tenía que estudiar estilismo que es una de las cosas que más me gustaba.
5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia? 

Buscando cursos de estilismo en las diferentes escuelas en Milán por internet. Me encantó el curso y aprendí todo lo que me hacía falta,conocimientos nuevos.

6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de Informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)? 

Principalmente a usar correctamente el Photoshop
7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
Me encanta Milán, ya había estado en la ciudad unos días de vacaciones y ahora me ha dado más tiempo a conocerla más a fondo, sus calles, su gente, sus restaurantes, sus tiendas... Al igual que poder conocer Venecia y Verona.

8.Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus? 

Via internet.
9. Que crees que le hace falta al curso de Fashion Styling? 

Posibles prácticas o visitas a sitios relacionados con la moda como showrooms, desfiles, boutiques... Para conocer el funcionamiento desde dentro.

Carol - 4 month - Women Fashion Design

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
At first I decided to go to Milan because it’s the fashion capital then with my research I found that MFC was one of the great Campuses that offers a range of course that got my attention to learn in a short period of time

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Women wears' design for 4 and half months
and styling course for 2 and half weeks

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because it will give me the first opportunity to learn about the fashion world and it will be a nice experience to learn what I’ve learned in that short period of time.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
It was one of the best 5 months in Milan, I cant imagine until now how much ive learned, when first I came my drawings were bad but when I finished I looked at them and say it was the best experience, u feel like you really accomplished a lot when you compare your first designs and your last.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie: Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
I’ve learned A lot, at first I didn’t know how to sketch well nor using the Photoshop and illustrator , but day by day I was getting better and better and even getting more idea of the fashion aspect and how it work in the real life….

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attending some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
That was one of the best parts because I had the opportunity to attend couple of fashion shows like (ETRO, KRIZIA, the Vogue talent corner, N.U.DE (new upcoming designers),Next Generation.
All of them were amazing because you will have the opportunity of your life enjoying them, but the most amazing one was the vogue talent corner because I had the change to take pictures with Roberto Cavalli, Renso Rosso of Diesel, Donetella Versace , Dolce & Gabbana , and Franca Sozzani (the vogue Chef-editor ) .

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is Amazing, One of the nicest thing in the campus was like meeting international students from all of the world and got the chance to go with them to the best places in Milan and areas I went to Florence, Portofino ,SanRemo, Monte Carlo ,Bologna.
9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
I was watching a fashion editorial on YouTube then on the side it was something about a campus in Milan that got my attention.

Christiane - Fashion Styling

1. De que pais eres?

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Porque era o unico Curso, que realmente atendia a minha necessidade de tempo e aprendizado.

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Meu conhecimento em Photoshop era zero! Nao sabia nada mesmo!

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Em conhecimento nesse segmento de Moda!

5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
Aprendi tanta coisa que posso fazer com o photoshop em Fashion Styling!

6.Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)?
Sim, em tanta coisa que posso fazer e desenvolver nessa area!

7.Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
Nota 10

8. Durante tu estadia tuviste la oportunidad de asistir a desfiles o eventos de moda?
Com certeza

9.Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Em uma pesquisa que estava fazendo na Internet! Achei o site mais interessante!

Remi - Fashion Styling - Fashion Trend Forecatsing

1. Where are you from?
Lebanese origin . lives in Cyprus

2.Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Istarted learning textile and fashion design , then i established my brand of clothing . i felt i still need to learn more like everybody and styling was always my passion so i decided to come to Milan and join the MfC Family institution for his highly reputation and the high range of interested courses offered in this School

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took Image Styling and Trend and forecasting, full time courses.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Image styling is a starting career of a stylist and help me in my Blog as well. Trend and forecasting a must have degree for all fashion designers.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot?
the courses was heavy , no time to go out during the week lots of homeworks and i feel very improved and updated to wide range of styles.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computerskills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
Photoshop, sketching, and styling . i improved my worked threw the heavy practice as full time day in school , and with the homeworks and fashion online researches and magazine and stylist research as well.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
I had lots of good time in attending major best designers fashion shows as Dolce Gabbana, Ermano Scervino, Dirk Bikkembergs, Moncler, Missoni, Prada . the fun is in the outside area where you can meet lots of stars and known people in the fashion industry. while when you enter the fashion shows you concentrate on the trends , colors and fabricas . and the ambiance , music , theme and design.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
One of my best cities so far . i was lucky to visit major cities in Italy and attend Madonna Concert and feel the football days spirit with the Italians.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
online research for the best instituto of fashion in milan and i found the MFC

10. What do you think is missing in the Fashion Styling and Trend Forecasting Courses?
From my experience i think the courses are heavy enough and well planned. Nothing is missing

Viktoryia - Fashion Styling

1.Where are you from?


2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?

Преди повече от година случайно попаднах на Milan Fashion Campus в интернет и веднага ми допадна. Исках да уча нещо по-различно, по-свежо и бях сигурна,че MFC ще ми предложат точно такъв тип обучение. Предлаганите курсове са описани онлайн страхотно, а също мненията на бивши студенти допринесоха за крайното ми решение.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?

Fashion Styling Course, продължи 2 седмици.
4. Why did you decide to take this course?

Искам да се занимавам активно с мода, да развия кариера в тази област. Обичам да приемам предизвикателства и затова се насочих към модната стилистика. Тя е един необятно привлекателен свят за мен,в който мога да миксирам всичко, за всяка ситуация, за всеки повод, желая да правя света по-красив и стилен, разбира се. Курсът предлага насока и знания относно оформление на модни фотосесии и модна журналистика, а това са две абсолютно желани от мен неща !
5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?

Започнах курса с големи очаквания и нямах търпение да разбера как ще протече. Сега мога да кажа, че очакванията ми са надминати многократно и съм очарована колко много неща научих само за 2 седмици в Milan Fashion Campus. Работих упорито,защото исках да попия максималното, което този курс ми предостави. Реално не съм и предполагала за някои от личните ми умения, които Milan Fashion Campus откри и разви в мен.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion)?

Всичко, което научих в Milan Fashion Campus ще ми бъде много полезно.Радвам,че успях да изуча много тънкости и възможности на Photoshop, умения които ще ми бъдат полезни в много сфери. Придобих професионално око на стилист - да виждам детайли, цветови съчетания, определяне на визията според различна ситуация, за различен повод, знания относно осъществяване на модна фотосесия, опознаване на тенденции и откриването им в модна столица като Милано...списъкът е дълъг, и то само за 2 седмици! Научих също, че мога да създам изключително креативни неща. Всичко това дължа на страхотния екип на MFC!
7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?

Обожавам Милано ! За мен градът е страхотен и предлага невероятни възможности. Все пак е една от световните столици на модата и това го прави неустоим. Това е град, където нещата се случват, тук хората действат, изразяват себе си и са креативни. Милано е град, който всеки човек, трябва да успее да опознае. Особено, ако се интересува от мода – тук тя е навсякъде – в хората, в магазините, във въздуха дори....По време на престоя ми в Милано се наслаждавам и наслаждавам , и наслаждавам, и наслаждавам....на всичко в града ! 
8. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?

Намерих интернет сайта на Milan Fashion Campus при проучване на училища, които предлагат курсове за моден стилист.

Tasya - Women's Wear Design - Trend Forecasting

1. Where are you from?
I am from Jakarta, Indonesia

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Because i really want to have a study experience in capital city of fashion, MFC was the right place for me to study due to the duration and time are fits me well and MFC provide the subject that i really want to learn.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Basic Women's design (4 weeks) Trend forecasting (2 weeks)

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because i work in a fashion magazine as a stylist, and i really want to know how to forecast a trend and also i am planning to have a clothing line

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay ?
I found it from my friend, she stayed in Milan for master degree and she told me about MFC. i learned a lot during my short stay, not only i learn about fashion in class, but also from visited a place that important to add a fashion knowledge for me, the one by one method to teach is very effective for me.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
I never learn how to work with adobe photoshop and illustrator before, but in MFC all the teachers told me how to use it especially how to use it for build my portfolio. And i learn how to do a fashion research.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
When i came for short course study, it was the first time for me to visit Milan, it was a very wonderful experience, i also visit a city around Milan, sightseeing the city. not only a fashion experience that i have, but also a culinary experience :)

8. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
I knew it from my friend, she recommended me to study in MFC. and it is true! is the best place for study especially for those who only have short period of time to visit Milan.

Florencia - Diseño de ropa femenina y el de accesorios - un mes.

1. De que pais eres?

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Estaba muy interesada en iniciar y conocer el mundo de la moda y no tenia mucho conocimiento

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Hice dos cursos, el de diseño de ropa femenina y el de accesorios, cada uno duró un mes.

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Por mi interés en la moda y la ganas de iniciarme en este mundo

5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
Me encantaron los cursos, aprendi muchísimo y mas cosas de las que pensaba.

6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)?
Principalmente aprendi a dibujar correctamente un figurin, y desenvolverme mejor en ese aspecto, y aparte aprendi varias cosas, como los diferentes estilos.

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
Me encanto Milán, aparte de ser una ciudad hermosa es un lugar en el que me senti muy a gusto

8. Durante tu estadia tuviste la oportunidad de asistir a desfiles o eventos de moda? Si fue asi a cuales y que te parecieron?
Si asisti! a algunos desfiles ya que mi estadia coincidio con el fashion week de milan, me parecio super interesante! de esos eventos tambien se aprende muchisimo

9. Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Buscando en internet me entere de la existencia de Milan Fashion Campus.

Mariana - Curso Diseño Traje de Baño - un mes

1. De que pais eres?

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Porque me gusta mucho el diseño de modas y fue el unico lugar donde encontre especificamente el curso que queria.

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Siempre habia querido tomar algun curso de diseño de modas.

5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
En intermet. Siento que aprendi mucho ahora puedo hacer los diseños en photoshop e illustrator perfectamente.

6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)?
Aprendi a manejar photoshop e illustrator y mejore mucho mis habilidades de dibujo.

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
Me gusto mucho Milan es una ciudad buenisima para hacer compras, tiene parques lindos y es muy central para viajar por europa.

8. Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Por internet.

Michaelle - Accessories Design

1. Where are you from?
I live in Brooklyn, New York.
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I decided to come to Milan Fashion Campus because, based on what I read on the school web site, I felt that It was the best school for me to learn about designing.

3. Which course did you take and for how long?
I took Accessories Design for two weeks.

4. Why did you choose this course?
I always want to start my own business designing handbags . I had no experience in designing. I like the idea of studying fashion in Milan, Italy. I know I could take the same course in New York City, but being in Italy was very appealing to me.

5. What did you learn on the course?
When I came to the school my computer and drawing skills were very weak. I learned to design in photoshop, illustrator and sketching and also you can draw inspiration from anything and turn it from concept into reality.

6. Did you like Milan?
Milan is an exciting city to visit. I am a street photographer, so I had plenty of opportunities for photography. For example, the POPE VISIT TO Milan and the Cyclist race in May. I also visited many fashionable boutiques and participated in many 'Happy Hour".

7. How did you find out about Milan Fashion Campus?
I found about the school via the Web.

Nonyelum - Womenswear design

1. Where are you from?
I am from Anambra, Nigeria

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
To gain an insight to the rudiments of Women's Fashion Design

3.Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Womens fashion design - 2weeks

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
MFC was the only school that offered a two weeks course + Italian Language attached to it. Others were of longer duration. Also, the course is more affordable compared to other Fashion Schools.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
Through the internet. Yes I did! I actually was worried I may not accomplish anything withn the two Weeks. but the Team at MFC made my short stay as beneficial as possible.

6. What did you learn?
Basic Fashion Sketches - Face, body, Using Adobe Photo Shop and illustration. I improved immensley! The team at MFC made it so easy to understand now I am looking foward to improving on my skills

7. How did you find the city of Milan?
The City of Milan is quite interesting. Went to the touristic sites, did a bit of shopping and went to Rome on a day trip.

8. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
During a Web Search for a Fashion Design Course

Ana - Shoes and Accesories Design Course - 2 weeks

1. De que pais eres?

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Quería tener una experiencia de profesionalización intensiva dedicada al desarrollo y proyección de accesorios y complementos de moda.

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Shoes and Accesories Design Course

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Porque tenía ya conocimientos de moda y buscaba sumergirme en el mundo de los complementos de moda, para ampliar mi visión de las tendencias y de cómo se realiza una colección de moda completa, teniéndo en cuenta no sólo el vestido, sino también los complementos que dan sustento y sentido al diseño de la colección misma.

5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
Encontré el curso por Internet, me pareció que dos semanas era el tiempo perfecto para poder aprender y de paso tener una experiencia linda en Milán. Aprendí más de lo que hubiese esperado.

6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)?
Aprendí cómo aplicar mis conocimientos básicos de Photoshop e Illustrator en el desarrollo de complementos. Amplié mis aptitudes y habilidades informáticas y creativas.

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
La ciudad es linda, y la moda se ve en cada esquina.En mi estadía en Milán ví nuevos lugares, conocí nuevas personas,practiqué el idioma italiano, visité museos y visité el Duomo.

8. Durante tu estadia tuviste la oportunidad de asistir a desfiles o eventos de moda? Si fue asi a cuales y que te parecieron?
Sí, justo quedó la Semana de la Moda en medio de mi viaje, fui al show de Iceberg, de Kritzia, de Missoni. Me gustaron mucho y me sirvió asistir a los eventos para comparar y contrastar lo que existe aquí y lo que existe en mi país. Fue una experiencia única.

9. Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
A través del Internet

Nuhad - Handbag & Accessories Design- 2 weeks

1. Where are you from? 

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus? 

I had known about Milan Fashion Campus since a long time and was waiting for the right time to come and it did. I wanted to do handbag and accessories design in a short time and it was the perfect place to take it.
3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus?
How long was the course?

Handbag and accessories design for 2 weeks.
4. Why did you decide to take this course? 

I want to start my own line of handbags and accessories
5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay? 

I knew of MFC since several years when I found it online. I wanted to take the online course but then decided to come to Milan instead. In the short time I stayed I felt that I had learned quite a lot.
6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion)? 

All the above. In one day I was able to use illustrator and Photoshop with ease! Thanks to the careful attention they give us during the first days and the step by step approach. They show us how to make our designs comprehensible to others and even though it was a short time, there was a great attention to detail.
7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attenting some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time? 

Did not attend but will do the next time I am in Milan.
8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay? 

I've been to Milan several times before but this is the first time I go out more and explore more. I must say I loved it. The Teatro Scala was my best experience :-)
9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus? 

2 years ago I was searching the internet for a design course that I could take online. That's when I registered.

Sura - Trend Forecasting Course 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?
United Arab Emirates

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
1- the great range of courses it offers.
2- great topics that were all attractive to me.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Fashion & Trend Forecasting for 2 weeks.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I believed it would enrich my knowledge in the fashion world through the great exposure it offers.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I was googling , I found many options, Milan fashion campus was the choice that attracted me. From all fashion courses I took, this was the most special one, as in Milan fsshion campus teaching is very personal and the course instructors direct it towards my needs, which made it very very useful.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I learned that each designer/shop/or collection should have a specific theme and mood. I also learned how to catch the latest trends in design/fabrics/accessories …etc. and how to use this research in order to match with my design intentions and to be aware of all trends changes that happen on the catwalks of the biggest fashion cities (Milan/London/New York).

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is a great place to see how people are all in fashion, taking care of their style with an amazing standard, which in my opinion is a great way to express the mood/character/and life of a city, the fashion signature there really touched me and taught me how my style can affect not only my personality and my comfort, but also it affects my society and the positivity of my environment.
Shopping is the major experience I had in Milan, the reason why I think its special is because in Milan shopping streets are programmed in a way that each street has its own character, so one street was about (Zara, H&M, Bershika…etc.) kind of shops and that reflect of the type of people/cars/street style and history.. other street was only for the biggest/high-end brands which attract rich people from all over the world, and my favorite street was a street with an artistic character, you see that in the crazy/colorful graffiti on the wall, in the type of people and age group, and in the shop themselves, the shops were only designers shops with amazing taste of fashion, whatever you may buy from there you only have! And that in my opinion is a great advantage.

Daniele di Milano - Corso Fashion Design Donna

1) Perché hai deciso di fare un corso di fashion design?
Ho deciso di frequentare un corso di Fashion Design per arricchire le mie competenze riguardo
il disegno di Moda e colmare una mancanza.

2) Perché hai scelto Milan Fashion Campus?
Mi ha fatto subito una buona impressione ,una realtà piccola,preparata e qualitativamente alta.

3) Quale era il tuo livello iniziale?
Principiante dal punto di vista tecnico ,pur avendo dimestichezza manuale.

4) In cosa sei migliorato?
Sono migliorato molto sotto il punto di vista tecnico, sia nel disegno manuale che nel disegno

5) Che cosa hai imparato?
Ho acquisito competenze dettagliate riguardo il disegno a mano, dalla creazione di un concept
alla realizzazione dello stesso. Ho arricchito e acquisito competenze riguardo il disegno digitale,
l’utilizzo di programmi come Photoshop e Illustrator (creazione di un figurino digitale completo e
scheda tecnica dello stesso).

6) Pensi che il corso che hai fatto possa esserti utile? In cosa?
Lo sarà sicuramente! Nonostante abbia frequentato uno “ Short Course”, ho gettato delle basi
solide sulle quali poter costruire e incrementare il mio livello dal punto di vista creativo e

7) Qual è il tuo giudizio su Milan Fashion Campus ?
Una bella realtà a contatto con diverse etnie, gusti e point of view! Siete Top!

8) Cosiglieresti Milan Fashion Campus ad un tuo amico/a?

Myrthe - Fashion Styling Course - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?
I'm from Amsterdam, Ollanda!!

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I decided to go to Milan because it's THE fashion capital of Italy, and I just love Italian Fashion. The Milan Fashion campus aroused my interest because they work in small groups and provide personal attention to every student.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took the summer course Fashion Styling, a 2 week course.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because I wanted to do something creative and get more feeling with mixing and matching combinations for certrain situations!

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
Thanks to the course I know how to use Photoshop  and I got to know many new fashion brands and their specific styles.  And because of this course I also became more fashion minded which made me look even more fashionable than before ;). My friends also benefit from my summer experience, because I also learned how to style different types of persons, so before going out I can help my friends styling! In my opinion this experience was  too short, because I loved it so much!

6. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
The city Milan is great, I enjoyed walking around the city and discovered many nice places. There are some great parks to relax, good restaurants, and fashionable clubs, the only disadvantage of Milan is that you will be broke after your stay because of the attractive shops ;). Milan is also well located if you want to visit the lakes, like Como. Another nice place to go in the summer is the Ligure area, with a beautiful coastline. Overall, I really enjoyed the experience and I would love to come back another time!

Eloisa - Diseño de moda de mujer - un mes

1. De que pais eres?


2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Porque lo vi en Internet y me intereso 

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Hice el curso de diseño de moda de mujer, por un mes.

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Porque queria incursionar en este mundo de la moda

5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
El curso muy bueno y completo, aprendi mucho. 

6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)?
Aprendi a dibujar desde cero, a usar photoshop, illustrator.

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
Muy linda!!, durante mi estadia aproveche a conocer bien los lugares mas importantes y tambien pude viajar a Florencia, Venecia y Suiza.

8. Durante tu estadia tuviste la oportunidad de asistir a desfiles o eventos de moda?
Si fue asi a cuales y que te parecieron? Si, fui 2 desfiles, muy lindos, y tambien tuve la oportunidad de ir a la presentacion de Vogue Italy de nuevos jovenes diseñadores y tuve la oportunidad de sacarme fotos con Roverto Cavalli, Versace, Los dos diseñadores de Dolcce Gabbana y con el diseñador de Diesel.

9. Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
En internet!

MIshu - Women's Wear designing and Fashion Trend Forecasting - 10 Weeks

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I decided to come to Milan Fashion Campus because this is the only Campus that offered various FASHION SHORT COURSES through out the year.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took Women's Wear designing and Fashion Trend Forecasting. Duration of my course was 10 weeks.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I have decided to take this course to learn more about International Fashion Trends and of course to get broader and innovative ideas of Fashion.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I found this course through internet. Yes indeed I have learned immensely about the Fashion and enjoyed my courses every minute of it during my short stay in Milan. I shall definitely come back to MFC to update myself. Thanks!

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie:Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion)?
Being in Fashion Hub and could not think about the best place to learn more about the Fashion, I have learned a lot about the Fashion, trend colors, fabrics and each details which I never observed before. Definitely I improved a lot on my drawing skills, and the amazing part was my computer skills using PSD & AI.

7. During your stay did you have the opportunity of attending some fashion show or fashion parties? If you did , which ones? Did you have a good time?
Oh yes, I arrived Milan during Fashion Week and I attended several Fashion Shows like Paulo Frani, Etro, N.U.D.E & several others - it was overall fantastic experience.

8. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
City of Milan is absolutely beautiful and perfect place for Fashion Lovers. I am so mesmerized seeing those fascinating architectures and historic monuments. I have amazing friends and enjoyed my stay immensely. I traveled a lot during weekend within Italy and other places like Munich, Zurich, Lugano, Monte-Carlo.

9. How did you know about Milan Fashion Campus?
I came to know through Internet.

Ana Julia - Curso de cool hunting um mês

1. De onde você é? 

2. Por que você decidiu vir para o Milan Fashion Campus?

"Termina a faculdade e a ideia de viajar surge. Viajar com uma meta, é claro. Passear, conhecer diversos lugares, pessoas interessantes, estudar, arriscar outro idioma e comer bem. Milão se encaixou perfeitamente ao plano! E lá fui eu e minha amiga brasileira. Chegamos no Milan Fashion Campus super ansiosas, disfarçando o italiano, indo logo pro inglês. O professor, falando em inglês com o sotaque italiano, logo nos deixou a vontade naquela sala de aula, um grande espaço para deixar rolar a criatividade e dividir experiências. Ele também tinha curiosidades sobre o Brasil e a gente também tinha muito o que dividir. A parceria deu tão certo, que o curso nos trouxe amigos, novas descobertas e fez eu me apaixonar ainda mais pelo mundo da moda. O curso fez eu descobrir aquilo que gosto de fazer e que na moda não existem preconceitos. A ideia continua... Conhecer pessoas, novas culturas e dividir experiências. Uma viagem, agregada a cursos, com bons profissionais, sempre será um bom plano!"

Emilce - Women's Wear Design Course(Sports) - 2 Weeks

1. De donde eres?
Soy de Paraguay. Sudamérica

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Decidi ir a Milán Fashion Campus por la flexibilidad que me ofrecieron en cuanto al programa y al idioma.

3. Que curso has hecho en el Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Cómo armar una colección de prendas deportivas, el curso duró dos semanas..

4.Porque decidiste tomar ese curso?
Decidi tomar este curso porque mi Empresa se dedica a este rubro.

5.Como te enteraste de ese curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
En el curso aprendi que una colección parte de una idea, se compone de varios elementos concordante que forman un Universo, coordinación de colores.

6.Que aprendiste en el curso? Como mejoraste en tus habilidades?
Elementos que debe tener una colección..Mis habilidades mejoraron en el sentido de disciplina frente a la máquina, mirar tendencias en internet, comprender más todo lo que hace a la moda. Creo que tengo criterios más definidos, gané seguridad en el área de moda.

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste en tu estadia?
Milán es una ciudad mágica, con un aire inspirador, paseé muchisimo mientras estuve ahí, conocí museos, catedrales, capillas, tratorías, viaje en tren hasta Venezia y conocí Verona y también el Lago Di Garda.. fueron días maravillosos!!!

Carolina - Trend Forecasting. Prediccion de tendencias de la moda - 4 semanas

1. De que pais eres?

2. Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Porque me parecio muy interesante los temas que enseñaban, el prestigio de aprender de una persona con tanta experiencia en el ámbito de la moda y el hecho de que los cursos eran en Milan, la capital de la moda. 

3. Que curso has hecho en Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Trend Forecasting. Prediccion de tendencias de la moda. Fue un curso de 4 semanas. 

4. Porque decidiste tomar este curso?
Porque me interesaba realizar un curso corto pero intensivo sobre moda y como adaptar y anticiparme a las tendencias de la moda en mi país. Trabajo en la elaboracion de articulos de cuero y a pesar de que tenemos experiencia en la produccion, nos hacía mucha falta el diseño y conocer sobre las tendencias que vienen y como adaptarlas al mercado para en base a esto crear artículos diferentes y exclusivos.

5. Como encontraste el curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
Lo encontre por internet, y pienso que a pesar de que fueron solo 4 semanas, pude aprender muchisimo por la intensidad del curso y por el buen metodo de enseñanza que tienen. 

6. Que aprendiste? Como mejoraste tus habilidades (ie: habilidades de informatica, de dibujo y de la comprension del mundo de la moda)?
Aprendí a entender y percibir de mejor manera el tema de la moda y a observar para poder crear. Mejore muchisimo mis conocimientos de photoshop y aplicarlos de manera sencilla y practica.

7. Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste durante tu estadia en Milan?
La ciudad es hermosa, hay mucho que conocer y más aún sobre el tema de la moda, hay tiendas de los mejores diseñadores y el mes en el que me fui tuve la oportunidad de ver el Milan Men Fashion Week. Además había muchos descuentos por cambio de temporada y la ciudad es perfecta para ir de shopping. En los fines de semana aprovechaba para viajar y conocer las ciudades cercanas e incluso por la facilidad de transportes en Europa pude conocer otros países. 
Milan tiene además muchos lugares históricos que se deben visitar porque son increibles.

8. Como te enteraste de la existencia del Milan Fashion Campus?
Por internet, mediante la publicidad en algunas páginas de moda y google. 

Alina - Fashion Styling Course - 2 Weeks

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
To learn more about fashion styling.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Fashion styling course - 2 weeks

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
To become a fashion stylist.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was very good, however the time allocated for it was not enough.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
Learned Photoshop (part of it) , Mix and match for different occasions, new fashion websites for reference

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is a beautiful city, fashion capital in deed. Amazing shops, wonderful architecture and delicious food :)

Huei - Lingerie Design Course - 4 weeks

1. Where are you from?
Malaysia, living in HK

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
To immerse myself in the fashion world, and Milan Fashion Campus gave me the flexibility for the short amount of time I had.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Fashion design in lingerie for 2 weeks

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
This is completely out of my element as I'm an equity research analyst. I love lingerie design and hope to acquire skills needed to fulfill my passion, and understanding the workings behind the fashion industry.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
Definitely learnt more than what I came to achieve with the patience of Angelo and Kaori

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
Photoshop and Illustrator which I had never done before! and my Italian language skills significantly improved along the way

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I didn't like it my first time as a visitor but I loved it when I was attending the course. The people, food, culture and heritage of fashion. I spent most of my time getting to know new friends, travelled to other places in Europe during weekends and did some unnecessary shopping (it's Milan!)

Juliana - Menswear Design Course - 4 weeks

1. Where are you from?
I´m from Germany-Berlin

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I was convinced by the name Milan infront your school name,  the choice of courses you offer and the length of dates which enables the needs of everyone

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
It was Mens Fashion Design Course and it was two weeks long

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because I´m specialized in menswear

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I was thrilled about the intensity of the course, I learnt a lot for the quite short time because I experienced a very individual course as the classes were in small sizes and you feel you´re in a private school

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I learnt how to improve my drawing skills from the basics, I learnt the basics of Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop and how to use them from the beginning until finalizing one design, I learnt how to match with the idea/vision and the fabrics, I learnt to focus on details especially when designing for men, I learnt how to do design shopping in the famous design districts of Milan – learning by experiencing

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I was fascinated about the city Milan because I felt, every corner of this city has fashion history and vibrating, very vivid and even the inhabitants on the streets were very fashionable so that you could also be inspired by the street wear as well. I was also inspired by the lifestyle of Milan, the Siesta time and the Aperitivo time, I loved the gigantic cathedral and the Scala. I discovered the city centre by foot and experienced a lot of the daily life in Milan.


Turguna - Fashion Styling Course - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?
I am from Kazakhstan

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I always wanted to learn more about fashion and Milan is fashion capital of the world- so where else I could learn more? Plus my friend from Milan recommended me this school.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took 2 weeks Fashion Styling Course

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because I wanted to learn more about fashion. Since i'm not professional I thought that this course will give me wider picture on different styles and directions in fashion, from where I can decide what is the most interesting direction for me.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I found the course very practical. And yes, i definitely learned a lot during my short stay.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie: Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?

I learned how to use special computer programs, what is the specific of styling for a fashion magazine,or how to style a star, how to create different styles with several pieces of clothes for different occasions, etc. I was getting some very creative tasks that would make my mind think really hard :)

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I loved Milan. Will definitely come back one day. During my stay I was studying, shopping afterwards, eating a lot of delicious italian pasta and gelato and travelling through Italy on week ends!

Jordana - Fashion Trend Forecasting - 1 month

1. Where are you from?
I'm from Brazil.

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I decide to go Milan Fashion Campus because is a good school with personalized classes, and a easy way to make a shortly course.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I did the Mood and Fashion forecasting one month.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because i was interested in fashion research and would like to know the techniques of how to do it.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was excellent, i learned a lot, and use everything on my own work.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie: Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?

I learn how to do research on fashion, the basic concepts of forecasting, and comprehending the most important facts of the fashion and research.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I love Milan, is a city where everything on fashion happens, i know the city, the culture, and the nightlife, even the shoppings and the people of the city.

Soghar - Women's Wear Design Course - 4 weeks

1. Where are you from?
I'm from Iran.
2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I think that the reasons that I chose MFC are as follows:
it was the only place that offered 4 weeks intensive courses
the prices was reasonable
The number of students in the class was reasonable and the teachers could pay a lot of attention to me and to my work

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Fashion Design for Women, It took 2 weeks.
4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I always had the passion for fashion design and styling and I was curios to find out whether I have the real talent or not.
5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was really interesting and I felt confident after the course was finished. I think that I learned the useful and required skills to continue in this field.
6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills?
This course help me to improve my drawing skills and inspired my sense of creativity.
7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is a big city and I think it's the heart of design. You can find lots of shops who sell designed art-works and by window shopping you can learn a lot from other designers.

Dalal - Women's Wear Design Course - 4 weeks

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I decided to go to milan because i love fashion and i know it has the best fashion courses.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took Fashion design women fashion course for one month

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I needed to learn how to draw on paper and on adobe, which this course helped me a lot.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was one of the BEST courses i ever took, it was unique in many ways of learning. loved it (I would reccomend every beginner)

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I've learned a lot, I didn't know how to draw at the begining and now I do. I can sketch a figure, I also got to learn how to use Adobe programme, which indeed expanded my fashion skills. That was the best part, Adobe. We also saw what Milan Fashion Week was like and that gave us a differen prespective in fashion.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I heart Milan! I visited all the fashion corners and resturants, I also visited museums and many other cities like (Lake Como, Verona, Portofino, Venice, Rome) Italy is my favourite country and milan is one of the uniquest shinning cities in the world. Thanks to Angelo my instructor he made Milan the best. ;)

Yoshimi - Women's Wear Design Course- 2weeks

1. Where are you from?
I am from Tokyo, Japan.

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
I wanted to improve my drawing and how to use Photoshop for my career. Also, I prefered to be in small class because it is easy to ask.
That's why I chose Milan Fashion Campus. It was a nice choice for me.
3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Women's Fashion Design (2 weeks summer course).

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
I work in fashion industry and I graduated University for women's fashion design. 
5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
On the inter net I searched up "Milan fashion school'' and I found it.
I learned so many things.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills?
I improved my Photoshop skills and  drawing skills. Also my idea has expanded through looking at work of my new friends.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Go out with my new friends. Going out is easy to find nice places.
Also, Angelo told me where great places are…one of the place is "10 corso como".

Eugenia - Women's Wear Design - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
To improve my skills and to know the place

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I took the women's wear design course. I was supposed to take it for a month but decided to attend classes twice a day (full time) so I stayed there for two weeks.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because I nedded to improve my drawing skills to do what Ii do best, fashion.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I really liked the course, especially the fact that the courses were not overcrowded. You can learn so much more this way.
6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills ?
I've improoved my drawing skills and also I've learned how to use design  programs in the computer.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I loved milan, it was a bit cold though. I've walked around the city center, and the main avenues of fashion. My favorite places : Parco Sempione and Vittorio Emanuele 's Gallery

Umi - Bride Wedding Glamour Course & Woman’s Wear Design Course - 2 months

1.Where are you from?
 Muscat (Sultanante of Oman)

2.Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?
Because Milan is the heart of Fashion Designing and the campus was exactly what I was looking for in term of the short courses provided by the campus and the teaching methods “pure fashion designing course”

3.Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
Bride Wedding Glamour Course & Woman’s Wear Design Course - 2 months

4.Why did you decide to take this course?
I have the aim to start my own business in designing brides gown.

5.How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
The course was very useful and I gained lots of useful information about designing in a very short time

6.What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie: Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
I have understood the world of fashion in an interesting way and I have improved my drawing skills and learned some additional computer skills “photoshop and illustration”

7.How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
Milan is a wonderful and unforgettable city, it has lots of sites to see and walk around & I had visited some famous boutiques just to get an idea about the designing world, that’s why I have planned to visit again.

Sandra - Women's Wear Design - 2 weeks

De donde eres?
Soy de Quito, Ecuador

Porque decidiste venir a Milan Fashion Campus?
Decidi ir a Milan porque me gusta la moda y quiero tener mi propia empresa de moda
Que curso has hecho en el Milan Fashion Campus? Cuanto duro el curso?
Segui el curso virtuan Fashion Design y duro 2 semanas
Porque decidiste tomar ese curso?
Porque en Quito ya habia seguido un curso pero todo a mano y necesitaba conocer del fotoshop y hacerlo muchas mas real al diseno
Como te enteraste de ese curso? Sentiste que aprendiste mucho en tu corta estadia?
Me entere por la web busqye cursos y dentro de todos Milan Fashion Campus me ofrecia lo que buscaba y aparte en espanol que es mi idioma y aprendi muchisimo y estoy muy agradecida por ello
Que aprendiste en el curso? Como mejoraste en tus habilidades (ej. Habilidades de computador, de dibujo, entendiendo el mundo de la moda)?
Aprendi a utilizar pfotoshop y mejoraron mis conceptos de moda
Que te parecio la ciudad de Milan? Que hiciste en tu estadia?
Milan es hermoso, siempre quise conocerla y me quede con muchas ganas de volver, asi que algun dia volvere... y pues bueno pasee mucho y pude viajar a algunos lugares de Italia

Fatma - Women's Wear Design - 2 weeks

1. Where are you from?

I am from Turkey

2. Why did you decide to come to Milan Fashion Campus?

Because, I searched on the internet fashion design schools. And I decided Milan Fashion Campus is the best for me.

3. Which course did you take at Milan Fashion Campus? How long was the course?
I went to short term- full time summer school course for 2 weeks. I studied woman's fashion design and I received a certificate.

4. Why did you decide to take this course?
Because I wanted to study design and to obtain a certificate within short period of time.

5. How did you find the course? Do you feel like you learned a lot during your short stay?
I found the course from internet. Yes, I learned a lot of details about fashion andwith this course I developed within a short period of time.Thank you.Yes, it feels good to me.

6. What did you learn? How did you improve on your skills (ie: Computer skills, drawing skills, comprehending the world of fashion) ?
I learned all aspects of fashion design. My computer skills and graphical drawing skills improved so much. I observed the world of fashion with fashion shows. I saw every detail is very important in fashion fair. I observed that there was a lot of labor in every details from a button to a label. And expanded my perception. I learned the details of colors, textures, sewing and drawing techniques. I flourished thanks to this course.

7. How did you find the city of Milan? What did you do during your stay?
I think, Milan is very beautiful city. Milan's historical significance, fashion activities and markets of fashion are fascinating. During my stay I visited the city of Milan, had fun with my friends and study.

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