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The New Men Street Style -Sketch Book -

THE NEW MEN STREET STYLE " Design & Sketch Book, inspired in men street style of our Times but also taking inspiration from the past.

Learn about the different men fashion styles, recognize them while also learning and improving your sketching skills. The "THE NEW MEN STREET STYLE” is a book FULL of Hand-Drawing Details Elements Like Texture - Materials - Prints - Tattoos - Studs - Transparency - Hairstyles, the Goal of this Book is to develop your Drawing Skills having as Example the most Up-to-date Streetwear Design Book available in the Market.

The New Men Street Style -Sketch Book -


    Step into the world of men's streetwear fashion with our ultimate design and sketching guide!

    🖌️ What’s inside?
    ✔ Explore the latest men’s street styles of today with inspiration from the past
    ✔ Learn about different men’s fashion styles and how to recognize them
    ✔ Improve your sketching skills with hand-drawn details

    🔍 This book is packed with:

    • Textures, materials, prints, tattoos, studs, transparency, hairstyles, and more!
    • Everything you need to develop your skills using the most up-to-date streetwear design examples.

    🌟 Perfect for fashion enthusiasts and designers looking to master their craft!

    📘 Get your copy now and start creating.
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    📩 DM us for more info

    #MensStreetStyle #FashionSketching #StreetwearDesign #TheNewMenStreetStyle #MilanFashionCampus

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